March 29, 30 & 31, 2008

(Quoted from Creating Miracles, by Carolyn Miller)
“There is no longer any serious question that the negative mental states associated with constant anger, impatience, hopelessness, anxiety, fear, and guilt deplete the body’s resources and jeopardize health.  But if psychological conflict is bad for the body, it is equally true that…inner peace is good for it.  Adopting a more serene, optimistic perspective triggers a cascade of neuro-chemical alterations in the brain that ultimately influences the behavior of every cell in the body.”

“Patients with terminal diagnoses sometimes set out to heal themselves by changing the beliefs and attitudes that produce negative emotions, such as fear, anger, depression, and guilt.  There are even physicians who make the restoration of inner peace an integral part of their treatment…Patients…are encouraged to work at recovering emotional equilibrium through loving and forgiving themselves and others.”

“What is the nature of the invitation that elicits divine intervention?  My research suggests that it is a shift in consciousness into a peaceful, fearless, unconditionally loving state of mind in which one follows intuitive promptings without question.”  "As we shall see, miracles do not necessarily occur every time we beseech God for help, but they seem to flow naturally whenever we enter a peaceful, loving state of mind and follow inner guidance.”  Then it can be said that we have truly “turned the situation over to our higher power.”


March 28, 2008

How does a person create a bubble of peace that some agitated people avoid and others move into and breathe a sigh of relief?  These are the components of what I did. A connection to whatever term you want to give my higher power. A firm determination to reject all agitation. An absolute knowing that all will turn out just fine. An independent and relaxed approach to making decisions. A concern for the mass of people. A firm rejection of all complaints and negative thoughts. A firm focus on peace.

March 27, 2008

You are in the airport waiting for your flight to leave.  Flights are being delayed and even cancelled.  The lines for making new arrangements are getting longer by the hundreds.  Then your flight is cancelled.  There are no one way rental cars left.  Then there are no new rentals for cars. The hotels around the airport are all booked.  The taxis are stressed beyond their capacity.  Attempts at organization are abandoned.  Is it a high priority to you to maintain your peace, to be a bubble of peace that some agitated people avoid and others move into and breathe a sigh of relief?  What caused all planes of a certain model to be grounded at one time?  Why couldn’t safe inspections be conducted in the background with out causing such a sea of chaos?  Who feels justified in making such a public spectacle?  What does the public need to see, understand, and act to rectify?   

March 26, 2008

Do thoughts run thru your mind that are negative about yourself? It's important to catch these, recognize them as lies, and reframe them in the positive.

March 25, 2008

Have you stood still in a quiet place recently and listened?  Then you can truly tune into the ever present love of Jesus Christ, of Gautama Buddha, of Mother Mary, of etc.

March 24, 2008

How does harmony relate to peace?  It’s easy to be in harmony with a peaceful nature setting.  When the people around you are agitated, it’s not so easy.  Then it’s necessary to have a wellspring of peace within to tap into and be in harmony with that peace within.

March 23, 2008

Easter!!! The knowledge that we are each a child of God. We can each be in attunment with the Christ mind. Just look in our heart for the kingdom of God.

March 22, 2008

As people cease to identify themselves by exterior characteristics, they see the oneness of us all.

March 21, 2008

The point of life is not necessarily to achieve a goal, say arrive at point B.  It’s more what can be learned from the experience of traveling from point A to point B. The peace can be in knowing that you are learning.

March 20, 2008

Peace can be found in being who God created us to be. After all, we can't really be anyone else. We can be more of who God created us to be.

March 19, 2008

Tolerance is for accepting people, not for accepting intolerable actions.

March 18, 2008

Grant us a deeper understanding. What is the middle way of balance for surrender, responsibility, and non-attachment?

March 17, 2008

I got to visit Ireland for the first time a few months ago. What an incredibly magical place. It's easy to be at peace near a gorgeous waterfall. It's easy to believe that the elementals can heal emotions and cleanse our energy fields when we rest in such lovely places. Thank you Ireland for your delightful music that brings us such joy of spirit.

March 16, 2008

Move into your heart to find peace, even as you move into your heart to find the kingdom of God.

March 15, 2008

I accept the responsibilities of behaving as an adult spirit in tune with the heart of Jesus Christ, in tune with the heart of Gautama Buddha.

March 14, 2008

A prayer of peace that is an interweaving of Muslim, Jewish, Christian and Buddist.

Oh God of all.  Illuminate the path of peace for all your children.  Where there is hatred, may we stand in courage to sow love.  The everlasting peace is from You and it returns to You. O our Sustainer! Grant us the life of true peace and usher us into the abode of peace.  Eternal wellspring of peace.  May we be drenched with the longing for peace that we may give ourselves over to peace.  May our experiences show the merits in seeking to understand, more than seeking to be understood.  May each of us find the power in ourselves to change the little things, so that the big things will take care of themselves.  May we accept Christhood, Buddhahood and Enlightenment from loving our Father/Mother God more.

March 13, 2008

This is listed as a Muslim prayer for peace.

O God! O our Master! You are eternal life and everlasting peace by Your essence and attributes. The everlasting peace is from You and it returns to You. O our Sustainer! Grant us the life of true peace and usher us into the abode of peace. O Glorious and Bounteous One! You are blessed and sublime.

March 12, 2008

Shalom, This is listed as a Reconstructionist Jewish prayer for peace.

May the blessing of peace unfold and infuse, embrace and intertwine all of Israel and all the world.
Eternal wellspring of peace --- May we be drenched with the longing for peace that we may give ourselves over to peace
until the earth overflows with peace as living waters overflow the seas.
May the blessing of peace unfold and infuse, embrace and intertwine all of Israel and all the world.
As we bless the source of life So we are blessed.

March 11, 2008

Beloved Jesus Christ, teach us more about the peace that passeth understanding. Help us to know the reality. Amen.

March 10, 2008

Beloved Gautama Buddha, teach us the art of non-attachment. Help us find a deeper understanding. Namaste.

March 9, 2008

How do our thoughts affect our personal peace? Have you ever been feeling just fine, then allow your thoughts to revert to a situation of unrest? Only to relive an uncomfortable experience without resolving your feelings?

March 8, 2008

May today be filled with peace for one and all. Steadfast choices. Joy. Unbounded freedom. Enduring patience. Hope.

March 7, 2008

What do most people talk the most about? Who has recently thought about being at peace with the weather? Is the weather a source of concern, of aggravation, or of delight? I was eager for almost 70 degrees F and got mid 30s. I'm thankful the forest got snow. Why the expectation, why the disapppointment? If it's raining, enjoy the moisture. If there is a small wind, remember how good it would feel on a 100 degree F day. Instead of focusing on driving inconvenience when it snows, focus on the beauty and clean air. Weather is a daily experience. How much better to be in tune with it, instead of wasting energy fighting the sence of it being something out of our control. Have we considered appreciating the weather (obviously not speaking about extremes), no matter what it is?  Enjoy whatever today brings.

March 6, 2008

What about when we feel justified about a person's behavior aggravating us? The definition of the word aggravation answers the question:

March 5, 2008

Peace is more powerful in joy. There was an abundance of Father/Mother God's divine will at work in the last couple days in so many lives that were shared and came to fruition. Love, wisdom, healing and service contributed. People uplifting others just by Being who they are. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness of his peace.

March 4, 2008

Awaken to how our consciousness affects every aspect of life on Earth. Would you be playful a moment? Open your arms as if to give a big hug. Picture the earth within the sphere of your arms. Encompass the earth with your love. - Thank you.

Accept the inner peace that passes understanding independent of world conditions.

March 3, 2008

If I become aware of agitation, I will remember I love God and stand firm in peace. I will simply be aware without struggling. I determine to keep my focus on peace and love of God. I consciously relax my shoulders.

March 2, 2008

I forgive myself for falling prey to manipulation.  I allowed this manipulation to take me out of peace.  This experience is a stepping stone to recognize how I was open.  I surrender the expectation that other people’s ego games never affect me.  In forgiveness is freedom.

March 1, 2008

Move pain out of your heart. Have you allowed some hurt or decision to reside in you heart and cause you pain? Do you know that free will gives you the power to make a different decision at any time? Please choose to have peace reside in your heart in place of pain. You have the power to let go. You have the power to look beyond the boundaries and change any situation.


This energy is sent out thru the protective filter of Father/Mother God's will
 and can only be returned in that will and by God's grace.